Summer Wedding at the Captain Whidbey Inn

March 30, 2023

Whidbey Island is the perfect destination for a summer wedding, and the Captain Whidbey Inn is one of the most charming and unique venues on the island. The Captain Whidbey Inn is a historic lodge that has been beautifully restored, with original woodwork and cozy rooms that make you feel right at home. Recently, I […]

Transition and other beasts.

August 27, 2018

Holding both. My therapist says I do a good job at this. At holding and accepting all of my circumstances, the good and the bad. “Holding both” has become something we discuss often, and consequently that phrase leaks in to many of my every day conversations with friends. If we’ve had any real conversations on […]

Southeast Asia

July 19, 2018

As I continue pursuing my photography career, it is of equal importance to me to also have a space to think, process, and produce photography that more fully encompasses the places I go and people I meet. Hence, the journal space. Here I plan to possibly write a little bit more, and provide more detailed […]